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Web Page Redesign: Humane Society Yukon

The Challange
The Original Website

Humane Society Yukon is an organization whose mission is to foster a caring, compassionate atmosphere to promote humane ethical and responsible pet ownership.


The Humane Society Yukon website contains functions including pet adoption, recruiting volunteers, news releasing, and collecting donations.


The project contains a basic analysis of the website including structure, visual, and usability analysis. After the analysis, an improvement plan will be concluded, and a redesigned website will be published.




The Original Website available at:



Basic analysis

  • The web page contains multiple elements.Most of the elements are not necessary and are making a negative visual impact on the whole page.

  • There is not a dominant tone on the page.

  • Color use does not fit the logo.

  • The whole page uses a large number of fonts which doesn't make any sense.

  • Logos and links are not organized.

  • Sections are not clear which is confusing users when viewing the website.



www.humanesocietyyukon.ca_ (1).png
Concept Model

The Concept model is a graph analysis of the content of the whole website. It demonstrates the relationship between different elements and how they are connected with each other.

This model helps to improve the website in a clear way. It allows the redesign to avoid unnecessary information and manages every element in a clear way.



The Redesign
Asset 1.png

Redesign the logo: making it looks more lovely and fits the topic



ixd774.firebird.sheridanc.on.ca_ (1).png

Redesign of the Home page:


  • Remove the unnecessary information, give users a clear look

  • Use orange color as the dominant tone

  • Use the same font to make the information organized

  • Use the horizontal lines to divide parts

  • Social media are organized and located at the footer with the contact information



The redesign available at:



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